Cross class coalition, not crossfire

Now is not the time to retreat into narrow ways of politically thinking and acting. Just as it was necessary to assemble a broad cross class people’s coalition this fall if we had any hope of defeating Trump and Trumpism, it is no less necessary in the year ahead. Only a broad and diverse coalition, including the Democratic Party and its leaders, will slow down and, hopefully, in the end, defeat the broad scale assault on our living standards and rights that is surely on its way.

Many layers

Election analysis should be less a blame game and more a sober effort to understand the many layers of a complex and many leveled process that in the end left a many layered people’s coalition and many of its candidates on the losing end of an election that will have great consequences for our country and world.

A new order

Machiavelli: ‘There is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things’.

A broad cross class coalition

Now is not the time to retreat into narrow ways of politically thinking and acting. Just as it was necessary to assemble a broad cross class people’s coalition this fall if we had any hope of defeating Trump and Trumpism, it is no less necessary in the year ahead. Only a broad and diverse coalition, including the Democratic Party and its leaders, will slow down and, hopefully, in the end, defeat the broad scale assault on our living standards and rights that is surely on its way.

Two sides of a single coin

We can’t forget that tens of millions — some voted for Kamala, others for Trump, some didn’t vote at all — will feel the negative weight of a second Trump term in one way or another. Such an understanding gives our struggle against Trump and Trumpism breadth. At the same time, we can’t forget that not everybody will feel the assault that is surely to come in the same way. Some will be the first targets of the storm, feel its heaviest weight, and should feel the support and solidarity of all of us. Such an understanding (and the practice that follows) will give our struggle unity. Both are necessary if we hope to see brighter days ahead. Two sides of a single coin.

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