
In his historic report at an international meeting in Moscow in 1935, which made the case for the formation of a broad front (coalition) against fascism, Georgi Dimitrov, the leader of the Bulgarian Communist Party said,

“Formerly many communists used to be afraid it would be opportunism on their part if they did not counter every partial demand of the Social Democrats by demands of their own which were twice as radical. That was a naive mistake.”

And it remains “naive” today, impeding as it does the search for common action between the left and the center. And like then changing this dynamic is of crucial importance to the future of our country and world.

Reach out

In the relations between the left and the center, the left should act like the grown up in the room, not the whining kid in the corner. It shouldn’t at every turn get into a tit for tat exchange of broadsides with the center. Its main task, especially in the times in which we live and the challenges that we face, is to reach out to the center in the hope of finding ground for cooperation and common action.

A mocking president

Can you imagine a president mocking governors in the midst of a pandemic crisis? I can’t. And, worse still, it is a crisis that his words and actions have made far worse than it had to be.

New posts

3 pages of new posts … short, but not so sweet!

It’s easy

In present circumstances, one of the easiest things we can do — and I did — is to contact our Congressional Representatives. Call, text, email or whatever. It makes a difference! The Senate goes back into session today to discuss, probably vote on, a stimulus package. In it is a Republican provision that gives Trump roughly $500 million to dole out big sums of money to his corporate cronies. Another example of “swamp” politics and that is unacceptable.

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