A flawed strategy

Urging a vote against fascism in November, while damning President Biden with faint or no praise or singularly leaning into his mistakes and shortcomings, or simply leaving him out of the conversation altogether, may seem strategically astute, politically clever, and morally on time, but it is none of these. Such an approach, if taken seriously by too many voters would doom the efforts of the rest of us to prevent Trump’s return to the White House.

Such an approach, of course, might resonate with a section of the left and newly radicalized young people, understandably angry about Biden’s failure to demand an end to the genocidal war of the IDF against the people of Gaza. But anger and moral righteousness alone is seldom a good guide to what makes sense politically at this moment, given the whole concatenation of political actors and forces at play, the overarching challenge of activating voters, and the unprecedented stakes of this election.

As my old friend Lenin would say back in the day (I’m paraphrasing): At moments like this, a strictly sober, strictly objective accounting of the whole lay of land in all of its complexity is necessary!

A dual task

The task of the non sectarian left, I would argue, is not only to empower itself, not only to increase its own organizational and political capacity. No less important is to assist the entire range of people’s organizations — not least labor — as the “battle at the ballot box” draws near. This bloc/coalition of people’s organizations in collaboration with the Democratic Party at every level possesses the wherewithal — power, political acumen, and moral standing — to defeat Trump and the MAGA movement and re-elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, not to mention provide the muscle to regain full Democratic control of Congress.

Of course, such an outcome would have to be defended in the election’s aftermath. Trump and MAGA, as we know all too well, won’t accept defeat without a struggle and are already planning their moves in that event. “By any means necessary” is more than a slogan for this cabal of reaction, racism, retribution, and revanchism. All of which are wrapped in the gown of White Christian Nationalism. Something is rotten in … and we have to disgorge it!

Normandy and nationalism

Watching the ceremony at Normandy reminds me that pride in one’s country can be a source of heroism, unity, and uplift as well as their opposites. It isn’t a substitute for internationalism, but it doesn’t have to be the latter’s antithesis either. One can reinforce the other, provided the requisite political leadership is committed to that task.


Today’s celebration of D-Day takes on new meaning this year. Once again we are faced with the challenge of fending off and defeating a rising fascist threat here at home and worldwide. But this time the main field of struggle, unlike 80 years ago, is the current elections where Biden and other Democratic candidates face off against Trump and other Republicans.

The outcome of this existential struggle will turn, not on the weapons of war as it did seven decades ago, but the energy, unity, and political acuity of an expansive coalition (which it should be emphasized has the Democratic Party in its middle) and its success in educating and activating tens of millions to vote on election day for Biden and other Democrats running for office.

Each of us, I believe, can and should find a practical way to assist in this effort. Nothing wrong with rhetorical broadsides against Trump and MAGA on social media, but such broadsides are no substitute for the seemingly drab, out of view work to register and mobilize tens of millions of voters to use their voting power to defeat Trump and MAGA in November.

Time to negotiate

The protracted nature of the war between Russia and Ukraine is an argument to restart negotiations between Ukraine and Russia. A failure to do so runs the danger of a further escalation of the war, including the likely introduction of new and more devastating weapons and the triggering of a wider conflict.

Realpolitik — a sober estimate of the state of the fighting between the two warring countries, one, Ukraine, defending its homeland, the other, Putin’s Russia, invading a neighboring country, equipped with its superior military and financial resources — is an imperative at this moment.

Justice, of course, lies on the Ukrainian side, but in this war the superior weaponry of one side and the ruthlessness of its leader is an inescapable reality that can’t be assumed away. It’s a shame as well as an expression of analytical and moral bankruptcy that significant sections of the U.S. peace movement would reduce the fighting between an expansionary, immoral, and imperial power on one side and a state and people fighting for their independence on the other to no more than a “proxy war” between Russia and the United States.

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