
What we are seeing – and the election results bear it out – is a reenergized Democratic Party at the grassroots and leadership levels as well as affiliated organizations. It’s uneven as these sort of things are and requires further extension and consolidation – politically and organizationally -, but it strikes me as undeniable. This development should be welcomed by the many strands of the anti-MAGA coalition, including the left.

Upsurge at the ballot box

We tend to see mass upsurges and rebellions from below as occurring outside the framework of elections. At the point of production, in the workplace, in the streets. But isn’t that too restrictive and limited? I would make a case that what we saw on Election Day was a mass popular upsurge – organized and spontaneous – of remarkable breath and depth against the MAGA movement. The marching of tens of millions to cast their vote for democracy, democratic governance, and democratic rights was, moreover, every bit as authentic as street and strike actions, took place on a scale that makes it unique, and possesses positive consequences in the near and longer term that few other actions can claim.

My point here isn’t to diminish the latter – street and strike actions -, but only to recast how we see the struggle in the electoral arena in our political imagination and practice.

Once more Ukraine

The claim that the naked aggression of the Putin regime against Ukraine is simply reactive and defensive – nothing more than a proxy war – persists among some on the left. That Putin might have his own imperialist, aggrandizing, empire building ambitions, that Ukraine has a right to independence and peaceful development never enters their calculus, trapped as they in old frames of understanding. Nor do they even hint that Russian withdrawal from Ukraine is at the core of any meaningful negotiations and settlement.

Richard Castro

I can’t add much to the obituary, other than to say what Richard possessed in abundance was uncommon courage. He was unusually modest and soft spoken, but had no hesitation to speak truth to power. In that – and others ways as well – he set a good example for the rest of us as we carry on in life.

Seize the time

Between now and the convening of the next Congress in January, the Biden administration and Congressional Democrats should use this time to pass critical legislation that won’t have a “snowballs chance of passing” next year. If they chose such a course of action, all of us should find a way to demonstrably express our wholehearted support.