Not easily surmounted

The current crisis in the Middle East will test the durability and depth of unity and understanding of the anti-MAGA, anti-Trump coalition, as it tumbles toward next year’s election. I wish I could say that the divisions within the coalition arising from the slaughter of 1200 or more people – overwhelmingly Israeli Jews – in Israel by Hamas in early October and the unrelenting bombing, unfolding military invasion, and rising death count, of Palestinian non-combatants, now approaching 9000, in response by the Israeli Defense Forces will be easily surmounted. But, I’m afraid, that would be wishful thinking.

At moments like this, politics – and the struggle for unity of the anti-MAGA coalition – becomes an art as well as a science. Hopefully, the various and diverse political actors, organizations, and tendencies comprising the anti-MAGA coalition will soberly and creatively employ such politics.

Of overarching importance in this regard is a willingness of President Biden to change his posture and insist on a ceasefire. And the reasons are moral , political and greopoltical. A failure to do so is tantamount to taking full ownership for the devastation and death taking place in Gaza. There is nothing surgical or limited about the IDF/Netanyahu blitzkrieg. The punishment is collective and relentless.

New fissures

The mass slaughter of 1200 or more people – overwhelmingly Israeli Jews – in Israel by Hamas in early October and the unrelenting bombing, unfolding military invasion, and rising death count, of Palestinian non-combatants, now approaching 9000, in response by the Israeli Defense Forces are causing fissures in the anti-MAGA, anti-Trump election coalition, not to mention giving a new impulse to sectarianism and anti-semitism on the left and vile racism and reckless militarism on the right.

Moving the needle

” … we must not regard what is obsolete to us as something obsolete to a classto the masses.” Lenin, Left Wing Communism: an Infantile Disorder

Any political mapping of the vast majority of people would tell us that they don’t neatly or consistently fit into the categories of left or socialist, even progressive. Where then are they found? It depends on the issue, prevailing moods in the country, and who best frames the issue.

If that is the case, isn’t the challenge to find a demand or position that they will embrace and, in doing so, to move the political conversation and needle in a democratic, progressive, or left direction, even if it falls short of what you think is needed at that moment. In other words, the challenge is to convince and move people from where they are, in a language that they understand and corresponds with their experience to a different position that isn’t necessarily yours, but closer to yours.

And it may well set in motion (or, at least bring into the conversation) further shifts that more closely approximate your political position on one or another issue. Politics in this sense is more an art that takes into account what others think and their experience on the one hand and less a declaration of your position with an expectation that everyone in listening distance, dazzled by your brilliance, will immediately gravitate to it.

How rich

How rich is it that Russia who invaded Ukraine, claiming that it was, according to Putin, never an independent state, is reportedly circulating a resolution in the UN calling for a ceasefire in the war between the Israelis and Palestinians. I’m for a ceasefire immediately, but why is Russia, the invader and plunderer of Ukraine and Putin, the organizer of this bloody invasion, carrying the water here?

Double standard

By the same token, one could argue that China and the other BRIC countries are guilty of a double standard as well. When it comes to Russia’s brutal, bloody, and illegal invasion of Ukraine they were and still are silent.