Right notes

Bernie was great tonight. He hit all the right notes.


I get a little tired of being told of the past positions of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as if they are the main yardstick by which to measure their candidacies and chief determinant of how they would govern if elected.

Great start

Democratic Convention off to a great start. So many nice elements on first day.

The great mass of voters

If somebody on the left hasn’t figured out by now to vote for Joe Biden, and now Kamala Harris, I’m not sure what will convince them. With voting in some states soon to begin, doesn’t it make more sense to expend energy convincing the great mass of other voters who aren’t part of the flock to cast their ballot for Joe and Kamala and Democrats down the ticket? In my own limited way that it what I attempt to do every day.

Commanding performance

That was an impressive debut and commanding performance by Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s Vice Presidential candidate. I thought she would be good, but I was wrong. She is much more than good. Her story, presence, voice, acumen, and oratorical skills tell me that she will be a difference maker this fall. She and Joe Biden are a formidable team. We’re off and running to November 3!