Boggles the mind

To think that the South Korean model in which the US permanently deploys US troops would work in Afghanistan boggles the mind. And yet that is what Condoleezza Rice suggested in an op ed article in the Washington Post.

Met its match

Too many critics of Biden can’t admit that the US military machine met its match in Afghanistan and had no option but to withdraw its troops. This refusal of Biden’s critics to soberly look at reality is not only mistaken, but can be dangerous. Hopefully, wiser heads will prevail and the American people will understand that US power is limited in today’s world.

Biden yes, critics no

Biden has the good sense to recognize that the projection of US power in the contemporary world is increasingly limited. Many of his critics haven’t yet come to that realization.

Bernie on media gangup

“The extent to which the media is privileging voices who have gotten this wrong for years is ridiculous. What we’re seeing is an attempt by the Washington foreign policy establishment to expiate its sins of over 20 years by putting this on the Biden administration.”

No right to infect and disrupt

I’m for vaccination and workplace mandates. When the exercise of someone’s “personal freedom” – refusing vaccination and mask wearing – endangers the health (possibly lives) of others, disrupts the workplace and social life generally, and cripples the economy, I find it hard to defend that “freedom.” In nearly every direction we turn, we can find examples where government mandates (or laws) restricting personal behavior (or freedom) for the greater social good. We aren’t “free” to run stop signs or drive drunk or enter schools unannounced for obvious reasons that no one contests. I’m well aware that a tension can exist between personal rights and freedoms and collective/social rights and freedoms, but in this case, the tension isn’t so apparent to me. To claim a “right or freedom to infect and disrupt” the lives of others just doesn’t register in my world.