Unique stamp

How else but through the vector of sustantive and robust democracy in the workplace and far beyond can working people and their allies leave their stamp on socialist society? Or, to frame it differently, how can a society evolve into a socialist direction in more than name without a many sided, real, and vibrant democracy – not simply formal and declarative – in which the formerly left out and underrepresented exercise an overarching influence in every area of life?

False equivalency

People lament the political polarization in our country. Fair enough, but the only way to end it is by crushing the Republican Party – the party of polarization – at the ballot box. Analyses that blame both parties for the present polarization in our politics are misguided and sow confusion. They construct a false equivalency between the two parities where there is none.

Strategic imperative

The slogan, “Strengthen the Left and Defeat Trump and the Right” may sound right, but it’s strategically one sided and thus problematic. At the core of any strategic approach of the left (and progressives and other democratic actors for that matter) should be the following: To join with, unite, and assist in the mobilization and strengthening of the diverse currents that make up the broad democratic, anti-Trump, anti-MAGA coalition, including the Democratic Party. The failure to mention, let alone shine a light on this overarching task in the slogan above, doesn’t surprise me, even at this crucial moment. Old habits and modes of thinking are stubborn things.

Nevertheless, that is the principal task of this moment and going forward. And no matter what happens on election day, the further building of the anti-MAGA, anti-Republican Party coalition outward and downward will remain a strategic political objective of the first order. It is only on this ground – and no other ground – that a decisive victory over the MAGA bloc comes within our grasp and a durable, muscular, and non-sectarian left stands a chance of emerging.

More democracy, more socialism

For someone who regrettably drank the Kool Aid of the steady deepening of democracy during the long ascendency of the Soviet Union, I can’t so easily dismiss the autocratic and undemocratic trends in China. Some of China’s economic acheivements – the reduction in poverty and economic modernization – are impressive for sure, but they don’t ease my concern about the amassing of power and decision making in fewer and fewer (party) hands and the longer term consequences of that trend.

The much maligned Gorbachev, I believe, was right decades ago when he said: more socialiism, more democracy and more democracy, more socialism! Autocratic socialism, in his experience and understanding, was a contradiction of terms that eventually leads to contradictions in every sphere of life. Chinese Party leader Xi Jinping doesn’t share this point of view. For him, the overaching task of the party is to tighten controls and elevate the party’s role to the final and unchallenged arbiter across Chinese society.

Which leaves unanswered whether such a posture will work in the long run and is such a society socialist.


An interesting factoid: While getting briefed at a union office before canvassing last Saturday in Hyde Park, NY, it was mentioned by one of the organizers that FDR never electorally carried this relatively small town – where he and Eleanor spent a good deal of time and where his presidential library is today – at the lower end of the Hudson Valley.

Apparently, his rhetoric and policies didn’t sit well at the time with the good citizens of this community. I think that is changing.

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