Nancy Pelosi understands that politics is a complex process of building large political majorities. One aspect of that process is having a feel for the mood of millions as well as her own diverse caucus, while another is a sense of when to move and on what issue. Pelosi does all this well. Most of us could learn a thing or two from her.
Timing and public opinion matter a lot in politics. Nancy Pelosi understands this salient fact far better than many of her critics in progressive and left circles, who love to sit on their high (and very radical) horses and berate her.
The events of the last week, including her decision to proceed with an impeachment inquiry and the resulting sea change in public opinion on impeachment, cast her in a very favorable light, I would say. As for her critics, I hope they rethink their position a bit, but maybe that is too much to expect on a Sunday morning.
Forgot to note and pay homage to Bruce yesterday. This great rock and roll singer and songwriter turned 70. Can’t wait until he goes on the road, once again. Nothing quite like a Springsteen concert.
Here’s Promised Land —
The final straw in the current controversy over whether Trump should be impeached isn’t an explicit pro quid quo conversation — aid in exchange for an investigation of Biden and his son — between Trump and the Ukranian President, but simply the request by Trump to the president of the Urkraine to dig up dirt on the Bidens. And about that there is no controversy —- we already have the words of Trump and Guiliani, captured in more than one interview, of making such a request..
We should see the transcript of Trump’s conversation with Ukraine’s President, but what really needs to see the light of day is the Whistle Blower’s complaint.
And, actually, if we didn’t see either, Trump and Guilliani have already said and done enough in full public view to remove Trump from office.