Morning Joe as in snow job

Watching Morning Joe. It’s coverage of the protesting students at Columbia and elsewhere is awful. So one sided. So distorted. So dishonest. So sanctimonious. The worst is Joe Scarborough. And close behind him — maybe ahead — is Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League.

Give them an F

University administrators, as I see, couldn’t have handled the student protests any worse. Talk about heavy handed and tin ears. They would do better listening to the students than bending to the demands of some alumni and the threats of MAGA Republicans in Washington. At Columbia, the student demands are “divestment, financial transparency, and amnesty.” Why shouldn’t the administration agree with them. Or, at least, sit down and talk with and listen to the protesting students.

On a lighter note

I have never been a 76er fan going back many decades. I remember the great clashes of Russell and the Celtics and Wilt and the 76ers, beginning in 1959. So many great Sixers players during this long era. Doc, of course, but many others as well — Hal Greer and Wally Jones, Billy Cunningham and Bobby Jones, Maurice Cheeks, World B Free and Andrew Toney, and, unforgettable, Barkley, Moses Malone, and Allan Iverson. Still, I’m sitting on my couch today rooting for the Knicks. My loyal sidekick is a nice bottle of red. Go Knicks!

And then there is Netanyahu

Some protesters embrace the slogan “Free Palestine from the River to the Sea.” Others envision a binational state, grounded in the equality of both peoples. Still others advocate a two state solution. Netanyahu and his extremist coalition partners, in contrast, with the use of force, destruction, expropriation and plunder, are bloodily embedding a single unitary Jewish apartheid state from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea. In other words while the protesters advocate one or another solution to the current crisis, Netanyahu and his criminal coalition are establishing, via bloody facts on the ground, their vision of an unequal, racist, land grabbing, anti-democratic state in a land long occupied by two peoples.

Listening to the Blues lately. Here is John Lee Hooker, son of Detroit.

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