We could easily become an example of Naomi Klein’s “disaster capitalism” on a grand scale in the coming months and maybe longer as the predatory nature of capitalism attempts to turn a pandemic and human misery into a profit windfall.
Robbie Robertston of The Band wrote this iconic song and The Band, of course, arranged, played and popularized it. Robertson is from Canada. As a child he and his mother would visit their family living on the Six Nations Reserve southwest of Toronto, Ontario where his mother was raised. It was here that Robertson was mentored in playing guitar by his older cousin Herb Myke. The Band, in my estimation, was our Beatles. In the movie, Last Waltz, which, if you like good music, you should see, The Band performs, The Weight, with the Staples Singers. And that’s special too.
From afar it seems like Democratic leaders in the House and Senate are doing a commendable job in their efforts to fight for a people first stimulus package that addresses the crises that are quickly overtaking the country. They have to be mindful of the fact that they control only the House as well as the growing pressure from tens of millions to pass a stimulus bill, even if it isn’t perfect. It’s one thing to come up with the perfect bill; that’s easy. it’s quite another to get in the mud and come up with the best package possible given the political realities of the nation’s capital. Good leaders and activists don’t assume them away, but face them squarely and proceed ahead.
Ron Paul, a former Republican Presidential candidate, retired House member and a physician, wrote, “People should ask themselves whether this coronavirus ‘pandemic’ could be a big hoax, with the actual danger of the disease massively exaggerated by those who seek to profit––financially or politically––from the ensuing panic.”
Sunday his son, Senator Rand Paul, also an early sceptic, tested positive for covid-19.
Cash grants are no substitute for beefing up and extending existing provisioning infrastructure — unemployment insurance, food stamps, Medicaid, welfare grants, and more.