Quislings Republicans

The quisling Republicans, dripping in white supremacy and political extremism, are either outright lying or engaging in the worst forms of false equivalency to make their case against impeachment.

Doing nothing has a price

It is said that proceeding ahead with impeachment will invite bitterness and blowback from Trump’s base. That is likely true. But it is also true that to do nothing in the face of this brazen, fascist like, white supremacist assault on our elections and government will almost surely encourage similar, likely better coordinated, fascistic assaults on our government and people in the future.



Time for an ambitious agenda

Trump and the Republican Party have suffered a major setback. Both are on the defensive and running for cover. On the other hand, the Democrats are in a notably stronger position politically and morally. None of us imagined on election day this turn of events. With control of the Presidency and Congress, the Biden administration can and should move an ambitious agenda. Or, to put if differently, an agenda that meets the present moment of intersecting crises, including the crisis of democracy, while moving swiftly to punish the coup organizers and foot soldiers.


The thing about coups is that, if botched and unsuccessful, they come back to bite their organizers hard. Trump and his enablers, I imagine, are quickly becoming aware of that unforgiving reality.

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