My wife correctly tells me that post election analysts that have nothing to say about the negative impact of racism, misogyny, and transphobia on Harris’ vote and the election’s outcome should go back to the drawing board.

At every Trump rally the most unapologetic expressions of each made their way out of Trump’s vile mouth and his audience, no surprise, reveled in them. Nor is there any reason to think that they didn’t find their way into the election’s outcome. To believe otherwise strikes me as a form of self gaslighting. And who needs that at this moment.

Moreover,, each — racism, misogyny, and transphobia — will be part of the talking points and policies of the Trump White House and Republican controlled Congress next year.

Which brings me to a simple proposition that has historical precedent. If we don’t march together, if we don’t challenge racism, misogyny and transphobia together, we will eventually fall behind together, not at the same time, not in the same way, and not to the same degree, but make no mistake none of us will live in a world of equality, justice, fairness, and peace that each of us aspires to.