Lesser evilism in the current elections has no political utility. The concept, as I interpret it, rests on the notion that the differences between one candidate and the other are differences of degree. But that isn’t the case in this election.

The differences between Kamala Harris and Trump are differences of kind. Or said differently, what separates them are differences that are qualitative in nature, not quantitative. None more so than their attitude toward democratic governance, democracy, and constitutionalism.

Harris would defend, deepen, and extend democracy in its many forms. Trump, on the other hand, would not waste a New York minute before running roughshod over them. You may not believe me, but you should believe Trump who said he would be dictator on Day 1. And much more in this vein.

There is no reason to think he is engaging in hyperbole. Or making promises that he won’t keep. Or only speaking in such extremist language to mobilize his retrograde base for the elections. He means and believes what he says. To think otherwise is not only mistaken, naive, and deeply subjective, but exceedingly dangerous to your future and the future of the country and world.