A reflection on white skin advantage

At one time I thought that racialized advantages accruing to white workers were momentary, of small consequence, and would dissolve in the face of the unifying imperatives of class struggle, class unity, and class ideology. But I was wrong.

First, racialized advantages accruing to white working people are longstanding. Historians tell us that they date to the earliest days of white settler colonialism in the 17th century and became structurally and permanently embedded during the long formation of the United States as a continental, and then world power. Today, they remain “facts on the ground.”

Second, white skin advantages (or privileges if you prefer) assume different forms as one racial order evolved and gave way to another in the course of contested and fierce struggles.

Third, they serve the function of stabilizing a cross class coalition of diverse white people. In doing so, they secure the hegemony of dominant political blocs across time, not to mention play a role in deepening and widening the exploitation and super exploitation of subordinate classes and people.

Fourth, the advantages that accrue to white workers in today’s circumstances are structured into every area of social life — the workplace, the neighborhood, the school, the health care and criminal justice system, etc. Meanwhile, the structural and inverse counterpart to white skin advantage is systematic discrimination, inequality, and disadvantage imposed on workers of color in the same social spaces.

Finally, white working people perceive the material advantages accruing to them as natural, expected, and earned, while the subordinate and unequal status in which people of color find themselves is understood by many of them as the result of the inferiority, indolence, and moral laxity of people of color. That the latter might be explained as the consequence of the force of law, politics, institutional design, the “normal workings” of the economy, and legal and extra-legal violence, doesn’t figure prominently or at all in their thinking anymore than the thought that their advantages might not be the consequence of their own doing and industry.

In short, the willingness of white workers to give up their racialized group advantages is, to say the obvious, not automatic. Even in the face of a faltering economy that threatens the livelihood of all workers, there may not be such a disposition. In fact, in moments when their advantages appear to be threatened, white workers can become defensive, self-protective, and easy prey to right wing, racist zealots. This is especially so when the footprint of the left in the labor movement in particular and working class life generally is negligible.

Between George Wallace a half century ago, the rise of the extreme right in the 1980s, and Trump now are no few such zealots. Nearly all of them make their home in the Republican Party, relentlessly repeating that the way of life of white workers is under siege from coastal liberals, or distant elites, or unruly people of color, or an ascending multi-racial majority. Too often with success.

Challenging these racial grievances and racialized advantages of white workers is no small task. But still they should be challenged. At the same time, it is imperative to extend and deepen the growing anti-racist consciousness among millions of white people in the context of opposing Trump and right wing extremism. How well this is done will go a long way in deciding the outcome of next year’s elections and the country’s future.

I’m well aware that other dimensions of class and anti-racist politics are in tension with this dynamic and require elaboration, but I will leave it here for now.


I would give Nancy Pelosi an “A” for her prosecution of  the impeachment inquiry. Her sense of timing, of shifts in mass sentiments, and of the imperative of broad democratic and people’s unity is superb. She’s got the art of politics down pretty well. And we might want to take some notes for our own edification.

Deep bench

I am impressed with the deep and broad bench of able legislators and politicians in the Democratic Party. In watching MSNBC, I find myself marveling at the many and new faces, especially women and people of color, who are in prominent positions and speak for the Democratic Party. Among other things, it tells me that the center of gravity in the party has shifted in a progressive direction.

A religious extremist too

As this article makes clear, William Barr is s religious extremist too. He’s a Catholic and it is interesting to note that a good number of right wing extremists in position of power are Catholics, not least on the Supreme Court. It was in the Catholic Church that my early religious training and mis-education began and ended. In my late teens I said to myself, “Who needs all this guilt inducing moralizing?” I answered, “Not me.” And promptly left the church and religion behind. No regrets on that decision.

John Conyers dies at 90

John Conyers was a great son of the African American people and a leader of the progressive movement for more than a half century. He was one of those extraordinary African American leaders that grew up in and came out of Detroit decades ago. Much of what animates today’s movement and frames the current conversation in the Democratic presidential primary were John’s talking points a half century ago. He wasn’t perfect, but, oh my, what courage he possessed and when it came to fighting for equality, justice, and peace, he was fearless. And the guy was cool! I’m saddened.

Here is his obituary in the NYT: