Don’t shoot yourself in the foot

Declaring “War” on the Democratic Party Establishment is strategically misguided. It may feel good, but it’s akin to shooting yourself in the foot. Come fall, if Bernie wins the nomination, he will need the help of the Democratic Party Establishment, party regulars, and leaders, like the Obamas, in states like PA, OH, MI, WI, IA, Fl, and NC, not to mention across the country. The overarching (strategic) task is to beat Trump in November, but a badly fractured Democratic Party will erase that possibility. And the same advice would apply to the DNC and moderate Democratic Party leaders as well.

By the way, if Bernie has a substantial lead in the delegate count in June, and it looks like he will, he will be the nominee. Only if it is close will the selection process be contested. And that’s understandable, not a conspiracy.

A hallmark of progressive and left leaders

Flexibility has been a hallmark of great progressive and left politicians and leaders. A refusal to make any adjustments in program, demands, and organizing themes, no matter what the situation, may seem admirable on its face, but in a political and practical sense, it can easily turn into a fool’s errand and recipe for defeat. Past political leaders of a progressive or radical disposition left their mark on the times in which lived in no small measure because they were flexible and open to adjusting their positions to political realities and imperatives.

I hope Bernie is too if he wins the nomination, even if some of his supporters aren’t so disposed.

Warren killed it

Biggest winner last night: Elizabeth Warren. I thought she killed it in many ways. Biggest loser: no contest, Bloomberg. He came up empty. Or, to use a baseball metaphor, struck out looking.

Give no ground

I keep hearing, and I have no reason to think otherwise. that Trump will run on the strength of a strong economy. What should Democratic presidential candidates and the eventual standard bearer do in that case. Give no ground. Challenge the claim doggedly. Provide solutions. Underneath the stock market bulge, modest GDP growth, and low unemployment numbers lie a mountain of hardship and stagnation that is the lot of tens of millions.

It would be weird

To think that the presidential primary is going to be la la la is wishful thinking. And, actually, if there were no acrimony, no sharp differences over policy or no divisions over who’s electable, it would be weird.

Of course, the trick is to keep the differences within reasonable bounds and thus allowing the broad sweep of Democratic voters and the electorate to join hands without rancor at the convention and into the fall.