Full blow recession ahead?

Will the c-virus cause a recession? The economy will contract for sure even with counter cyclical measures and the provision of generous social insurance for working families and others reeling under the weight of this pandemic. But whether this contraction morphs into a full blown recession at the national and global level depends to a large extent on how effective national governments and international institutions are in simultaneously combating the pandemic and a contracting economy. Because our government — the most powerful and well endowed in the world — is led by an ignorant, dangerous, and America First narcissist and his team of dopes, it will make this difficult job all the more harder.

Fact based

Joe Biden is a safe choice for many people, but we should also bear in mind that the moderate lane in the Democratic presidential primary from the very beginning commanded more support from voters than the progressive-radical wing. A radical politics has to be fact based as well as radical.

Once again

In attacking PBS reporter Yamiche Alcindor, Trump reveals once again the depth of his racism and sexism. When the two intersect as they did here, it is ugly. Alcindor is a terrific and intrepid reporter. I hope her colleagues expressed their solidarity to her and objected to this nasty attack.


A process of unifying the Democratic Party

We should be realists. Biden is surging and will continue to do so. Bernie, on the other hand, has no path to the nomination. If last week’s primary results didn’t convince us of this, then next week’s should. The principal task at this moment and over the next few months is to “begin” a process of unifying the Democratic Party and the anti-Trump coalition.

Nancy again

The author of the Coronavirus bill was Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats. This wasn’t the bill that Trump and Congressional Republicans would have written. But they had little choice but to sign onto it. Once again we see the importance of Democrats winning the House in 2018.