The author of the Coronavirus bill was Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats. This wasn’t the bill that Trump and Congressional Republicans would have written. But they had little choice but to sign onto it. Once again we see the importance of Democrats winning the House in 2018.
Biden isn’t Bernie, but he isn’t an advocate of standing in place either. He’s a reformer of moderate disposition who, I believe, won’t ignore the deep and broad yearnings and pressures for change if he wins. And I believe he can win. And that conviction has only grown in recent weeks.
The coronavirus has reminded the country once again, but in a way that was unimaginable a few months ago, of the imperative of defeating Trump and gang this fall. I have to think that the terrain on which the election will be fought out has changed in significant and fundamental ways as tens of millions experience the ineptness and incorrigible lying of Trump and his administration in a new way. Even if the virus is behind us by the fall and even if we avoid a major and lasting downturn, the trauma and experience of people across the country with this shape shifting pandemic will remain and find its way into the elections.
What a mess: a global and national pandemic and a narcissistic idiot in the White House. Trump, along with Pence, have refused to be tested for the virus. There are no words!
Trump came up empty last night in his speech to the country. Not a word about testing. Not a word about the infrastructure needs to treat a pandemic. Not a word about inter-government cooperation and coordination. Not a word about a comprehensive approach to protecting people’s wages and incomes.
The centerpiece of Trump’s speech was a travel ban on Europe. That may sound good, but here’s the problem the coronavius is here and spreading. We have a national emergency, but Trump really doesn’t believe that and is acting accordingly.