Small and big

Each of us can break the silence and resist in small as well as big ways.

Defund the Pentagon

Neither Elon Musk nor anyone else in the Trump administration is clamoring to defund the Pentagon where the waste and corruption is a poorly kept secret.

No Rogue

Elon Musk isn’t a rogue, a freelancer, a one man show. He is doing the dirty work for someone else. Don’t be fooled and think he’s acting on his own. The leader of this constitutional crisis and power grab resides in the White House, make no mistake about that.


Time for massive resistance marches in every major city and town, initiated by labor and the larger anti-Trump, anti-MAGA coalition! Much like the city by city mass marches in the early days of the first Trump presidency.


One keen analyst wrote recently,

“With a few exceptions—mainly in the labor movement although this shouldn’t be exaggerated — progressives are not embedded enough in large organizations of working class that are membership-driven and tap into the energy and creativity of those who are exploited and oppressed. But for building durable power, there is no substitute for a political culture where radicals who are embedded in the workplaces, neighborhoods, and cultural and religious institutions of working-class life act as catalysts to unleash the energy, combativity, and all-around political leadership potential of their co-workers, neighbors, and others with whom they share the same conditions of life.”

This strikes me as good advice. One has to hope that progressive and left activists heed it.