Not my first choice, but …

Joe Biden wasn’t my first choice. Elizabeth Warren was. But now that he is the nominee, I will energetically support him now and this fall. To do otherwise in the face of 4 more years of Trump strikes me as plain stupid, even if the rationale is dressed up in radical rhetoric.

Obama’s endorsement

President Obama endorses Joe Biden. It was expected, but it is still a big deal. No other political figure in the country commands the same respect and popularity among voters. That he (and Michelle Obama) will play a large role in the elections this fall will make a huge difference.

Forty years later

Ronald Reagan at his Inaugural in 1980 said, “Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem.” We painfully know where this sort of thinking takes us.

Ahead of reality

I find the repeated assertion that Bernie and the left won the ideological struggle in the course of the presidential primary problematic. Bernie shifted the conversation in the primaries for sure. But he also lost big, far bigger than he did in 2016. Thus the assertion of ideological victory should be qualified and complicated. Unless it is, it strikes me as an example of our ideological hopes getting ahead of a far more complex reality. Such a mode of thinking is understandable in some ways, but it won’t get us a flea hop closer to a just, egalitarian, and sustainable society.

Racism never sleeps

Long term structural conditions in the African American community and the larger society, themselves the result and manifestation of racism, combine with a pandemic to produce disproportionately high death rates among Black Americans. Racism never sleeps.