I see that Trump is making a new assault on the ACA. It’s not surprising that he would. It’s of a piece with his manic fixation on eliminating any trace of Obama’s presidency. So far he has had some success. But, try as he might, what he will never do is make tens of millions — many of whom, in a shift in their views, expressed support for anti-racist actions in recent weeks — forget the stark and profound contrast on so many levels between him and his predecessor, Barack Hussein Obama.
Thought Biden gave a thoughtful speech on his approach to the coronavirus.
Trump gave us a preview of his campaign themes in his two speeches July 4 weekend. Nothing surprising in either one. Both were all about grievance and resentment (especially white), reality was turned on its head, historical analogies were false, the coronavirus barely appeared, racial justice was a no show, and lies filled the texts. In other words, Trump was Trump.
Trump gave us a preview of his campaign themes in his two speeches July 4 weekend. Nothing surprising in either one. Both were about grievance and resentment (especially white), reality was turned on its head, historical analogies were false, the coronavirus barely appeared, racial justice was a no show, and lies filled the texts. In other words, Trump was Trump.
If somebody broke into your house and killed some family members would you allow someone to erect a stature on your front lawn to honor them. I wouldn’t. An if someone tried, I would tear it down. That’s sort of what I think about statues honoring confederate generals and politicians. They killed members of the family as well as defended an inhuman system of racial exploitation and oppression. Shouldn’t honor them in any way, let alone put up statures for their treason and bloodletting.