America has always, even on its better days, had an illiberal strain, as brilliantly elucidated in the recent book by Stephen Hahn: Illiberal America: A History. But the present assault, orchestrated by Trump and MAGA, on the political and social foundations of the U.S. goes beyond “illiberal.” It has many of the markings of a neofascist regime. Some may think otherwise. In any case, most would agree that the present administration is aggressively white supremacist, hyper nationalist, xenophobic, and christian authoritarian. It seems to me hardly debatable that it easily falls outside of the “bourgeois democratic” boundaries of previous administrations.
Moreover, this political juggernaut, led by an unstable, demagogic strongman, will retreat only under the sustained pressure of diverse and coordinated actions of a broadly based coalition of actors and organizations — including the Democratic Party. Indeed to think of a ‘popular front’ without the Democratic Party, leaders and members, (or the significant participation of both at the national, state, and local level) is wishful and misguided thinking and who needs that at this moment.
Currently, such a front is in formation, evidenced by the many actions in far flung parts of the country. It will only grow in size, depth, and understanding.