The global rise of authoritarianism

The world of the 21st century is different – as you would expect – from the world of the 20th century. One new reality that can’t be ignored or underplayed is the rise of a powerful and exceedingly dangerous right wing extremist authoritarian – neo fascist if you like – movements in every region of the world. In some countries, representatives of this movement have their hands on the levers of state power; in others, “the barbarians at the gate.”

This new reality alters and shakes up the political dynamics, alliances and demands at the national and world level. But not everyone on the left is of this mind. In their political calculus, its rise is minimized and thus isn’t a new danger worthy of immediate and sustained attention. In fact, it’s a distraction, it is said, from the struggle against US imperialism and the Biden administration.

I’m not so sure people that hold this position can be convinced otherwise. They are dug in. Perhaps life itself, that is, the further rise of this movement and the negative consequences for humanity that will surely follow, will give them pause. We’ll see. But don’t hold your breadth.

Closing argument

If you want to know what a closing argument sounds and looks like, listen to President Obama, stumping for Democrats last weekend.


Violent threats and violence itself has invaded the political life of the country. The irony is that is the main promoter of violence (and insurrection) – Trump and the MAGA movement – claim that Democrats are responsible for the outbreak and normalization of violence in our day to day political life.

That’s turning reality on its head. It’s also the political method and language of a neofascist movement. Scary for sure, but it should also be motivation for each of us to resist this dangerous trend at the ballot box, first of all, next week.

Vote Blue

Vote Blue unapologetically!!! And urge others to do the same! Will be canvassing this weekend.

Of the first order

No matter what happens on election day, the further building of the anti-MAGA, anti-Republican Party coalition – including the Democratic Party – outward and downward will remain a strategic political objective of the first order. It is only on this ground – and no other ground – that a decisive victory over the MAGA bloc comes within our grasp and a durable, muscular, and non-sectarian left makes its appearence.

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