
What an absolutely brilliant speech by Barack Obama! He still leads with his intellect, words, and heart. And I’m sure glad he does, especially when so much hangs in balance.

Personal is political

Jill Biden reminded us last night that the personal is political. Her speech and presence in an empty classroom packed a lot of sharp, if not explicitly stated, contrasts with the present inhabitants of the White House at the level of their humanity, values, and biography. Some may see it as devoid of politics, but my guess is the story Jill Biden told politically resonated with millions of people watching at home.

Right notes

Bernie was great tonight. He hit all the right notes.


I get a little tired of being told of the past positions of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as if they are the main yardstick by which to measure their candidacies and chief determinant of how they would govern if elected.

Great start

Democratic Convention off to a great start. So many nice elements on first day.

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