Not the first time

Black voters across the Upper Midwest and possibly GA appear to be bringing Joe Biden across the finish. Not the first time that the Black community occupied the front ranks in the fight to defend and expand democracy.


I’m going to wait a few days before I draw any hard and fast conclusions about yesterday’s election. The electoral map could look different than it does now. Moreover, if Biden wins the presidency, that is a bfd.

Bluer tint

The vote still is coming in and as it does, it has a bluer tint to it. Like 2018, the next few days could give Democrats a substantial victory. And the reason is that Latino voters in AZ and Black voters in the upper Midwest, PA, and GA are weighing in. Stay tuned.

Path to Presidency

This election could be settled, for all practical purposes, by 9 or 10 o’clock tonight, as FL., GA., and NC. report their results early. If only one of them goes for Biden, Trump path to the presidency is hard to see. And thus little room to cry foul. If two or three do, get ready for a landslide.

Expansive coalition

If Joe Biden and Kamala Harris cross the finish line victorious, and I believe they will, maybe by a substantial margin, a good deal of credit goes to a loose and expansive democratic coalition in which the Democratic Party, its candidates, and its closest alliance partners were at its center. Of course, in the end, its voters who decide whose going to sit in the White House.

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